Friday, 10 April 2009

Types of Communication

Dr.BCR.Titu barua.
Bangkok 10120,

There are four kinds of Communication.
1. Intrapersonal Communication
When we hear ourself speak, feel ourself move, interpret the world arround us, think about ideas or things we see and do, this is intrapersonal Communication. Consciously or unconsciously.Intrapersonal Communication continues as long as we are alive.
2.Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Communication occurs when we communicate directly with other people in a one-to-onw situation or in a small groups. the words parts "inter" and 'persoanl' suggest that 'interpersonal' means any communication bwtween persons. Practically speaking, the situation usually involves two to eight persons, but the number of people is not what creates interpersonal communication. Direct intraction on one-to-one basis is the essential feature.
Interpersonal commuication involves the kind of interaction that most of us refer to as conversation, which is the person to oerson interaction with one another or with a small informal group of people.
3. Public Communication

Public Communication takes place situations where many people receive message largely from one source. A movie,television show, sermon,political speech, advertiser's message, professor's lecture are all examples of public communication.
4. Mass Communication

Mass Communication is public communication trasmitted electronicall or mechanically. Television, radio, movies, newspaper, boooks and magazines are all examples of mass communicatio. Speech are the best known examples of public interact in direct one to one relationships.

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