Wednesday 14 October 2009

Bad Dream

How are you doing? i hope you're keeping well with your girl and i am going to write something very terrible. it's about a dream that i saw today at night at 01.20AM and heard some noise which woke me up in the before i go to talk about my dream let me tell you what happened yesterday.....
Yesterday from morning to evening i was busy with books. i was trying to read for my exam but something kept me thinking all the time.....i could not study but yet i tried to be with books...In the evening the pain of my thinking became very powerful and then i tried to cantact the person that i was thinking about...i thought and looked back at what i have done and what i am doing and what i have to 06.39PM it became very very powerful and as there was nothing that i could do, i decided to commit suicide but fortunately there was a call to go for chantting then i went to chantting and there i was thinking her as well....there also i thought i should prepare for my death by hanging with robe binding with the fan why should i disturb her if i really love her then i should let her do whatever she likes and i was confidence to hang up as was 08.23PM when i came back from chantting i sat on my computer chair to see whether she is online or not. As i have no permission to contact her through phones....i wanted to contact only to hear her voice and die ....but if she is online also i dont know because she had already deleted my account from her messenger list. anyway when i opened my msn to see her onoline luckily my brother nuzzed me and wanted me to do something for him this he saved my life otherwise i was getting to arrange everything and say good bye to atlast i did what my brother asked me to do ....and slept at 11.00PM but this is not my usual time to when i laid down i went fast asleep because i was thinking and very much worried...and i saw a terrible dream in the middle of my sleep...i dont know how far it can be true...
My Dream
i saw a big building i was in the first floor and i did not have awareness as i was thinking about her...i recollected how much i loved her but she didnt care...what i have to do to make her happy but i saw that i can never make her happy because i am not the man for her...she has her own man...then thinking all those things i decided to go to her and to say the last word "Oh my dear Wherever you be with whoever you be please take care because your life is worth living" and then i went to the fiveth floor of the building and she was also coming behind me and i walked faster than her and quickly jumped from fifthfloor to the ground with my head downward...then my head was full of blood and she came down from fifthfloor to see me and started to cry with loud voice...i was imediately taken to hospital but i died in the van...she was crying severely and then imediately my brother was informed about the situation and he too started to cry..and he got very angry with her....because he knows that i died because of her...then my sister was informed and she cried like she lost her life...everyone was informed about my death.....then suddenly my dream stopped when i heard a frightened noise coming from my room ....which woke me up imediately...this is the end of my dream....

What happened because of the dream?
Because of the dream i woke up early and i was unable to do anything...i forgot that i have exam today...i thought of making people happy and today i made three people happy and two people unhappy...three peole whom i made happy are Phra maha buluwat, A begger and a foreign lady whom i made when i was going to MCU for writing exam...and the people whom i made unhappy are phra maha doung dii and achin nyaninda who asked for some help for the exam. i sat for the exam at 5.40PM but i did not know what to write...questions were already given and answers are also given but it was geting so difficult for me to write...i could think nothing...i am not a student who writes little and give back the paper if cant write...but today what happened is that i wrote whatever i liked and gave back the paper within one hour although the exam is for 02.30 minutes...exam started at 5.40PM and i gave back the paper at 6.30PM...i am still worried whether it's going to be true or not...i am really scared....if it is my kamma ...i must say i am ready to accept it ...i shall die and be born in heaven and wait there for the dearest friend....if loving someone means giving life then i am ready to offer my life for her sake.....

By Mangala priya

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